Thesis of China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing. (中国矿业大学(北京)学位论文模板.)
Write a thesis of Peking University with R markdown syntax. (北京大学学位论文模板。)
A simple template for thesis in Chinese. (简单的中文学位论文模板。)
Thesis of University of Bayreuth
Write a thesis of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. (中国科学院大学学位论文模板。)
Thesis of Zhejiang Uni., in Chinese. (据说是浙江大学学位论文模板.)
The Monash Business School theme
Illinois colored header boxes
Metropolis Theme with Illinois colors for Beamer.
Beamer Market Information Lab (MIL)
Minimialist slides with a color preference to orange.